AI, ML, NLP, AR/VR, Blockchain in Healthcare

Emerging Technologies: Healthcare Communication Friend or Foe?

Embracing emerging technologies and innovations is not just an option but a necessity for biopharma, HCPs, and organizations looking to thrive in the digital age...
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Cactus Life Sciences Announces the Acquisition

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Princeton, NJ, April 24, 2024 - Cactus...

Cactus Life Sciences Appoints Oliver Dennis to

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Target, Bull's Eye, Omnichannel Strategy, Success, Efficiency

Optimizing Medical Affairs with Modular Content:

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The Quest for Omnichannel: Is Medical Affairs Ready?

Commercial and Medical Affairs must partner with each other to achieve the real benefits of...
Artificial Intelligence and Writing

Breaking Barriers: Exploring the Power of AI and NLP in Scientific Communication

Learn how medical publication professionals and medical affairs teams can embrace AI and NLP tools...

A Guide to Creating a Robust Patient Engagement Strategy

Get started on effective patient engagement in your pharmaceutical or biotech company with our comprehensive...

Why Is It Important to Include Patients as Peer Reviewers

Patient peer reviews offer an amazing opportunity to see how HCPs and pharmaceutical companies are...
Data-driven QMS Alignment-Feature image for the 30-sec video reel - AMDS

Medical Device Manufacturing: Risk-Based QMS Alignment for EU MDR

The latest EU-MDR guidelines are a step in the right direction, moving from a focus...

Beyond Words: How Voice, Graphics, and Video Are Changing the Way Researchers Reach Audiences

The growth and adoption of the internet and mobile technology have provided publishers and authors...

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