Traditionally a support role, Medical Affairs is now using their extensive scientific expertise to inform short- and long-term planning strategies across the product development lifecycle. From understanding product attributes and current standards of care to competitive landscape and customer insights, Medical Affairs is uniquely positioned to steer scientific conversations around critical issues and potential gaps that may impact commercialization down the road. Medical Affairs acts as a bridge between research and development (R&D) and commercial. This collaboration with R&D and commercialization disciplines starts as early as study protocol development. This allows Medical Affairs to drive a scientific scenario that defines clinical endpoints and improves patient recruitment efforts. As Medical Affairs continues to adapt and gain competencies in the digital arena, they are also redefining launch excellence in terms of adaptability, proactive strategic involvement, and technology-savvy collaboration. The question that exists is what more can Medical Affairs do to aid launch excellence and how these roles will change in the coming years. 

Why should you download this whitepaper? 

Download this whitepaper to learn about 

  • A new roadmap to launch excellence, creating an express lane between clinical trial data and commercialization 
  • How the need for more agile, responsive, scientifically informed strategic decision-making across the product development spectrum puts Medical Affairs in the driver’s seat 
  • The key activities of Medical Affairs for product launch excellence 
  • What a strategic roadmap for Medical Affairs looks like to navigate a constantly changing scientific landscape 
  • Establishing performance evaluation and success measures for the launch strategy plan, with the needs of different stakeholders in mind 
  • Cactus Life Sciences’ vision for the future of Medical Affairs

About the author

Cactus Life Sciences
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Cactus Life Sciences is a medical communication company that provides scientific strategy and content across the healthcare continuum, anywhere in the world ─ with a focus on science, innovation, and efficiency. We work alongside leading healthcare companies to establish the optimal role of medicines and encourage positive behaviors (physician and patient) that improve patient outcomes.